
On Gitlab, once logged, click on your profile account and select Preferences. In the left menu got to Applications and click on Add new application.

You then need to fill-in a small form:

  • Name: Projectname Mailing-Lists
  • Redirect URI:
  • Confidential: checked
  • Scopes: read_user

Get the application ID and secret and send them to us securely.


On GitHub, once logged, click on your profile account (top right) and select settings. Go to Developer settings / OAuth applications, then click Register Application.

You then need to fill-in a small form:

  • Application name: Projectname Mailing-Lists
  • Homepage URL:
  • Application description: (you may leave empty)
  • Authorization callback URL:

Get the client ID and client secret and send them to us securely.


On Google, once logged, go to this URL:

Create a new project Mailing Lists. Then I’m not sure of the order but the settings follows.

In OAuth consent screen fill-in the form:

  • Email address: (contact email of your choice)
  • Product name shown to users: Projectname Mailing-Lists
  • Homepage URL:

(you may leave the rest empty)

In Credentials click on Create credentials, OAuthclient ID and Web application:

  • Name: Mailman
  • Authorized redirect URIs:

(you may leave the rest empty)

Get the client ID and client secret and send them to us securely.